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1 month ago
Bryan Coetzee

MAKO Aquatics NPC invites you to be part of the first of its kind Aquatics Centre in the Vaal. Together we offer opportunities to better the development of young swimmers in the district and offer them the hopes of achieving greatness. MAKO Aquatics NPC is a registered Non-Profit Company and is registered with SARS as a Public Benefit Organisation under Section 30 of the Tax Act. MAKO Aquatics is a Level 2 B-BBEE non-Profit Company. The MAKO Aquatics company structure is set up to have proper governance at all levels with regards to the raising of funds and the utilisation thereof. With a board of NON-CONNECTED Directors and a Fundraising Committee, we ensure that all funds are properly appropriated in the projects we take on. Originally founded in Sunward Park, Boksburg, MAKO Aquatics expanded its reach to Three Rivers Vereeniging in 2023. Within a very short time, MAKO Aquatics has cemented its position as a competitor in swimming in the Vaal with the rapid growth of its squad. All our Coaches, Officials and Swimmers are registered with Eastern Gauteng Aquatics (EGA), Aquatics Gauteng (AG) and Swimming South Africa (SSA) and our swimmers compete at District, Regional and National Level. Due to the challenges that swimming faces in South Africa with more and more municipal pools being neglected and closed, MAKO Aquatics has always had to rely on utilizing private pools within premium gyms and fitness centers. Rental within these facilities is expensive and additional restrictions from these facilities limit the number of swimmers and potential swimmers from obtaining the training that they require to excel in swimming as memberships are required for them to make use of the facilities. Following the 2020/1 (Tokyo) and 2024 (Paris) Olympics, it has become clear that swimming has taken the lead in the Medal haul for South Africa. The National Coach, Rocco Meiring has made it clear that our swimming is behind other nations, and we need to plan how to get our swimmers on the international stage. Swimming is more than just a sport. It is a life skill that is seriously lacking in our society. In 2019, the World Health Organisation estimated 236,000 people died from drowning making drowning a major public health problem worldwide. This figure accounted for almost 8% of the total global mortality. Drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional deaths, accounting for 7% of all injury-related deaths. The Duncanville Municipal Pool, once an iconic landmark in the town of Vereeniging, has gone to ruins as the local municipality has failed to ensure the upkeep of this once great facility. Recently taken photos depict the devasting condition of this facility. This is an example of an once state of the art swimming pool in which many galas and events were held and where coaches were welcomed to develop their swimmers. To repair this facility will cost Millions of Rands and the local Municipality does not have this within its budget or future forecasts. MAKO AQUATICS VISION FOR SWIMMING IN THE VALL MAKO AQUATICS NPC would like to take this opportunity to share our vision for an Aquatics Centre in the heart of the Vaal. MAKO Aquatics has identified an already constructed swimming pool at Three Rivers Christian Academy, a private school in Three Rivers Vereeniging that has been in the community for over 30 years. Together we have determined that by working together, we can create the first of its kind Aquatics Centre in the Vaal area. By making use of this facility already saves us enormous expenses in that of building a pool. Our aim is to open on the 1st September with a 2 phase development plan as outlined below: PHASE 1 Outdoor Swimming – 1st September 2024 to 31 March 2025 With an already constructed pool, MAKO Aquatics is aiming to raise the require funds to be operational by 1st September 2024 to enable us implement the required changes to the pool in terms of heating the pool to the required temperatures as well as acquiring the necessary accessories to make the pool usable for our swimmers. For swimmers to train comfortably, water temperatures of 27.5 to 28.5 degrees Celsius are required. To reach these temperatures, one of 2 methods can be used: Method 1 – Heat Pumps  3 x 65KW Inverter Heat Pumps – ITS65VPi3 @ R153,995 each = R461,985.00 (excl. VAT)  6 x 25m Solar Blankets with Rolling Stations @ R8,798 each = R52,788 (excl. VAT) Method 2 – Solar and Heat Pump Hybrid System  40 x ProSolar Solar Panels occupying the full available capacity of roof space available to be on specification of covering 60% of the water surface area of 300sqm – R98,999.00 for the systems (excl. VAT)  2 x 65KW Inverter Heat Pumps – ITS65VPi3 @ R153,995 each = R307,990 (excl. VAT)  6 x 25m Solar Blankets with Rolling Stations @ R8,798 each = R52,788 (excl. VAT) Heating is the primary step towards becoming operational and allowing swimmers to be able to train comfortably. Once the heating has been installed, additional financing is required for the following: Training and Development Equipment  5 x 25-meter anti-turbulent lane ropes @ R4,999.00 each – R24,995.00  6 x Starting Blocks @ R6,999 each – R41,994.00  2 x Sets Backstroke poles and Banting Flags @ R3,999 per set – R7,998.00  6 x Backstroke Wedges @ R4,999 each – R29,994.00  2 x 400mm Pace Clocks @ R3,999 each – R7,998.00 Filtration and Circulation The pool is currently fitted with 4 x 1.1KW Pumps each with 1 x 4 Bag Filter. To enable proper circulation of the water we need to install an additional filter to each pump.  4 x 4 Bag Filters @ R3,999.00 each – R15,996.00 PHASE 2 Year-Round Training – Construction of enclosure to pool – 1 April 2025 to 31 May 2025 The second phase of the project is scheduled for April/May 2025 when traditionally swimming pauses as the current season ends and the new season starts. We have identified this as the perfect time for us to begin construction on the enclosing of the pools and we are calling on engineers and construction companies to assist us in making it possible for our swimmers to train all year round enabling them to not only compete in the Summer Galas, but also the Winter Galas and other district galas. The enclosure of the pool will protect the swimmers against the harsh elements of Winter and making training possible throughout the year. Along with competitive swimming, the enclosure of the facility will allow for us to introduce Learn-2-Swim lessons to younger swimmers laying down the foundation for their future swimming careers. The offering of Swim Teacher and Coaching Development training will allow us to become a one stop destination for anything related to swimming and thereby growing future swim teachers and coaches. These valuable skills can make a difference to scholars embarking on their adventures in the real world. HOW CAN YOU BECOME INVOLVED? Our aim is to be able to offer Novice, School and Development Galas in the Vaal area to identify new swimmers and offer them the opportunity to become involved in swimming without having to lay out exorbitant amounts of money for premium memberships to fitness facilities. To succeed in this, we require your assistance in financing the above upgrades to the current facility and help enable us to offer the community of the Vaal with the first of its kind Aquatics Centre. Together with Three Rivers Christian Academy and MAKO Aquatics, branding and advertising solutions are available to your businesses both physically and online. Projected Return on Investment: While the specific return on investment will vary depending on the sponsorship level, we anticipate significant value for the sponsoring organization:  Immediate Brand Recognition: Your company's name and logo will be associated with a high-profile community project, generating immediate visibility and brand recognition  Long-Term Brand Loyalty: By investing in education and community infrastructure, your organization will foster long-term loyalty among learners, families, and community members  Positive Public Perception: Sponsoring the aquatics centre demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility and community development, enhancing your organization's reputation and public image  Networking Opportunities: Your involvement with Three Rivers Christian Academy and MAKO Aquatics will provide opportunities for networking with other sponsors, community leaders, and school stakeholders, potentially leading to new business partnerships or opportunities WHO TO CONTACT? For more information on becoming involved in this opportunity, we invite you to contact us to discuss how you can become involved. Bryan Coetzee Director Project Coordinator 061 589 7993

3 months ago
Roshana Naidoo

As you are aware, Mandela Day holds immense significance in South Africa, serving as a momentous occasion to reflect on our progress as a nation while also recognizing the multitude of remarkable projects and initiatives that come to fruition on this day, thanks to the collective efforts of various stakeholders. In my capacity as a community manager, I have had the privilege of curating a diverse portfolio of communities, wherein I strive to foster positive change by facilitating the provision of essential resources and opportunities to underserved areas. It is with great enthusiasm that I extend an invitation to other stakeholders to explore the possibility of implementing one of our tailored projects on Mandela Day and build relationships beyond. Our proposed projects are meticulously designed to address the specific needs of different communities, ensuring a tangible and lasting impact. By partnering with us, you can play a pivotal role in supporting these initiatives, thereby contributing significantly to the betterment of underserved spaces in Cape Town. Moreover, I firmly believe in the concept of mutual benefit, and I am confident that our collaboration will not only allow your organization to make a meaningful difference but also provide invaluable exposure and recognition for your steadfast support.

3 months ago
Andile Mfazwe

Our structure is currently comprising of the undergraduates and graduates’ individuals who would like to contribute toward our community by ploughing back our skills and experience that we have acquired to the young students who are still at their lower and higher school grades around our area of Sasolburg. Currently, the five of us came up with this plan of doing extra tutorial classes starting from the winter school holidays of 2024. Our structure stands as follows: Mr Andile Mfazwe (Managing Director), Rozelle Blignaut (Treasury), Ranyane Musiwe (Secretary), Sibongile Khambule (General manager) and Thabang Rampai (Administration). Mr Mfazwe had a Business Administration Diploma and is currently busy with his BBA Degree majoring in Accounting and Economics and an SGB executive member around one of Sasolburg schools, Ms Rozelle Blignaut had an Educare N6 and currently busy with her Bachelor of Education degree with UNISA, Mr Ranyene Musiwe has a BA in education and currently a school teacher around Sasolburg schools, Mr Sibongile Khambule and had achieved his BSC Degree with Mathe-matics and Science and Thabang Rampai had completed his Visual Arts qualification. However, we are willing to welcome any other individuals amongst us who is interested to join us on this endeavor in order to add any kind of a value towards achieving it. Our theme is, “Nothing that can stop, your future is in your hands”, we have chosen this theme in order for us to see and focus at the bigger picture (conceptualizing)and encourage all those young ones in order to take all the opportunity that our beautiful country had to offer with both hands. We also want to inspire and motivate them in order to never give up and keep on moving forward regardless of the challenges that they are faced with. These extra tutorial classes will be conducted by tutors and qualified teachers in and around our local area of ward 17. We want to contribute positively to our society, we have already identify our temporarily place of operation, and the department of education has granted us the permission to utilise their premises. Our temporarily place of operation will be the old Sakhubutsha building just around Rosemary Connie Island. The reason behind the chosen place of operation is that, it is a convenient place with the necessary infrastructure that can cater for this project. Our target market is the Local town schools like HTS high school, Sasolburg High school, Affies high school, A.J. Jacobs primary school, Noord prima-ry school and Leeuwspruit primary school. The reason behind our market is that, these are our local area schools and most of the students that are attending in these schools are staying around our area but then, our services is open (welcome) everyone who is interested to attend regardless of place of stay especially around Sasolburg as the whole. We plan to offer with the following tutorials services: • Afrikaans, Indigenous and English languages • Accounting and Economics sciences, • Mathematics and Physical sciences • Drawings and Visual arts, • Sports and Cultural activities The reason behind this initiative, especially after we have done our research, we then find out that our area, is a divers and culturally mixed area, that have almost all our countries human races. There is a concerned problematic matter raised by our local community people, that is regarding the way our kids in our society negatively affected by socio economic and household’s challenges. They found themselves being inactive after they knock off from the school because of scarce re-sources like sports and cultural activities that is not there at all. At the end, they end-up wondering (roaming around the streets) and not being extra active at all. We then felt that we should do something about it, we then came up with this kind of an initiative that we are proposing to all mothers and fathers out there, potential business people and other stakeholders to lay a helping hand in order for us to achieve this goal. We are positively think that, if we can achieve this initiative of extra tutorial classes and sport activities, we’ll be able to save our countries future and that of the next generation to come. Remember that, by letting our kids to be involved in destructive activities that had a potential of ruining their future, is a ticking bomb that can lead us as a nation very close to extinction. As you may well be aware that, our country is at the brink of a high crime rate, drugs and human trafficking, that is becoming uncontrollable. We then felt that we should try and do something about it, and that’s one of the reason’s why we came up with this initiative of extra Tutorials classes, sports and cultural activities. We are aware of the fact that; our local schools are really trying to offer such related activities during the school hours but then still we felt that it is not enough. Here we are trying to offer with something that our kids we’ll be proud of and feel that it is theirs, meaning that they own it. Successful tutoring, like teaching, is not an exact science, it based on thorough planning good communication between student and the tutor. Tutorials serve to compliment schools classes. Specifically, they provide teaching and learning opportunities for which student assemble in (relative) small groups. That context allows interaction that are not feasible in school classes. It follows that tutorials are not repeat school classes- nor, indeed, are they classes of any kind rather, they provide opportunities for participation by individual student, who may respond to questions and pose questions of their own. How are going to plan an effective learning environment? That’s one of the question that we have asked ourselves and we came out to agree to the fact that, students are a very diverse group, coming from a variety of ethnic, religious, linguistic, social and economic backgrounds. We will need to take this into account and aim to create a safe learning environment so that all participants feel included.  Our students will feel that they are part of a group  We will have to acknowledged our students as individuals (speaking to them, or recognized them, or know their name.  We will facilitate and support good relationship within the group.  We will make sure that they are not put down if they make mistakes  See to it that sessions aim is clear achievable  Everyone had a chance to participate and get actively involved  Make sure that we are anticipate the difficulties and problems that our student are likely to have How will be our first day tutorial classes? That’s the other question that we have asked ourselves during our synergy meeting.  As tutors, we are mandated that we introduced ourselves when we are about to conduct a class (session)  Write your name on the board and give a contact number and office hours (if you have)  Do a getting to know each other session. This will get the student talking to each other and takes the heat off you (tutor) for a while.  Discuss expectations about what will go on in the tutorials and negotiate some ground rules. Establish participation as one of the ground rules for contribution to the tutorials  Learn your student names, as students will respond to you more if they feel that know you, and above all that t you know them  How we will handle the conflicts during the sessions? That’s another question that we have pose to ourselves.  We need to develop and maintain ground rules. Being able to refer to ground rules will of-ten help defuse a potentially irritating or disruptive problem  Be assertive, this may involve you stating your opinion or request, listening actively to an-other person opinion, reflection back on what he/she says without comment or criticism,  Confront the situation. Confronting has the connotation of aggression, but positive confrontation simply means stating you’re concern about behavior you find unsettling or disruptive. Self-disclosure can be useful We plan to offering after-school tutorials for every Monday to Friday from 15:00 afternoon and until Saturdays at 10:00 in morning. These tutorials will only rely on the fund raising that we are about to embarking on and the sponsors, donation, individuals, government, our local business people, firms and other stake-holders. We are planning to sell this initiative and proposal to all South Africans that are in and out of Sasolburg as the whole in order for it to be realized. We are planning to commence during the winter school holidays of June and July 2024 and will continue throughout the school year. Starting from next year (2025) we will start with the school calendar year. Tutorial will be broken up by grade level: • Afrikaans, Indigenous and English languages • Accounting and Economics sciences • Mathematics and Physical sciences • Geography and Biology • Technologies and Visual Arts • Sports and cultural Sessions Obviously and of cause, that ca not be feasible (realized) without the below kind of resources, this will help us for the registration of our students and know the exact number of students that we are dealing with. Also for the tutorial purpose like printing and photocopying. General stationery and equipment required: • Laptop/ Desktop/ Tablet • 2.04 + GHZ processor • 4+ gigs of RAM • A webcam • A built-in or external or external microphone • An internet browser • Google Chrome • An internet connection with a minimum: • 10 Mbps download • 10 Mbps upload speed Printer • Printer may be required at times General Stationery • Pens (blue/ black) • Pencil (grey/orange) • Eraser • Sharpener • Glue • 30cm Ruler • 4 x Exam Pads • Highlighters • Scissors • Calculators • 32 – page (primary school) / 72 page (high school) exercise book for each subject (this is recommended for activities and taking notes Accounting • Journals • Creditors journal • General Ledge • Column Journal • Lined Journal • Cash journal Afrikaans HI (Huistool) and EAT (Eerste Addisionele Taal) Handwordeboek van die Afrikaans Taal (HAT) Afrikaans / English pocket dictionary • Medium materials if possible (newspapers magazines, radio talks / dramas, television, television shows / documentaries Business Studies • Scientific Calculator Computer Application Technology (CAT) • Windows 10 or the latest • Microsoft office 2016 or 365 • Microsoft Word for documents • Microsoft Excel for Spreadsheets • Microsoft PowerPoint for slideshows / presentation • Microsoft Access for database (Grade 11-12) Economics • Scientific Calculator Geography • Scientific Calculator • Mathematical and Geometry set Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy • Scientific Calculator • Geometry set • Block paper Physical Sciences - Scientific calculator - Thermometer - Stopwatch - Geometry Visual Arts  A4 hardcover visual diary (90-120g)  Paint (acrylic or water based) and an extra tube of white paint  Paint brushes (2 flat brushers, big and small, 2 round brushes, large and fine, Brushers with soft bristles are best  10 Sheets A3 Alpine board (355g)  Puffy eraser  Patel Arts Oil Pastel  Data Acrylic ink 50ml black  30 sheets A4 butcher paper (45g), or tracing paper book  1 set of coloured pencil crayons  5 sticks of charcoal Feeding Scheme  We are aware of the fact that especially in our area of Rosemary, there are student kids that comes from disadvantaged households, so it is one of our aim to see some sort of a feeding scheme that will cater for those young ones. As you might be aware that a meal a day makes a difference to a child future, so we are inviting our local supermarkets to come to the party for this one as part of their contribution (Corporate socio-Investment) towards this initiative. Equipment, Stationery and Sports Resources  As we have already alluded from the paragraphs above, that it is through sports and education participation that we can unite not only our country but the word as a whole. So we then thought that by including sports activities like soccer, netball, and the others, shall we conquer. So we would like to invite all our local companies, individuals and the government to help us to fundraise for this initiative of extra tutorial classes tutorials. We are planning to have our first fundraising meeting towards the end of June 2024 and would like to invite all potential stakeholders in and around our local area of Sasolburg. We would like them to help us in fundraising for the project  Basically, all of the above mentioned are our positive start towards the realization of these tutorials that we intend to facilitate as the Tutors and Teachers. Ours is the love (being patriotic) of our country and the passion that we have for education, we believe that, alleviating poverty and crime will automatically decrease with such initiatives. Our contact information is as follows: Ms Blignaut cell is 0780396530, e-mail and Mr Mfazwe cell is 0646479988 and e-mail is -

3 months ago
motsamai maphutse

MooiSights Gardens Restaurant is an innovative Restaurant and Hotel initiative Drive to target a roadline traffic in the not distant future in the Free State Province and in the Mooi Draai (R57 road-line); a capacity (at 90% stage 2 construction development). It's Model is gearing for the proffesionalisation of its business approach to be more effective post the human settlement construction services around its impact vicinity.

4 months ago
Patrick Andries

Fisantekraal, where our flagship site is located, is an impoverished community in the Western Cape housing approximately 40 000 people in a densely populated area. According to the last output by Stats SA, Fisantekraal has a 60% unemployment rate, with many people surviving off government grants, specifically child grants. Fisantekraal also lacks access to education for many of the children living in the area; there are hundreds, if not thousands of children not attending school. The four local schools (two of whom are container schools), are struggling with high dropout rates due to gangsterism, teen pregnancy and apathy of parents towards education; they report that more than 20% of students drop out, which compounds the issue of poverty and perpetuates this vicious cycle into the next generation. Of those who are attending school, only 8.8% complete primary school, 18% go on to pass matric, and only 1.1% of children go on to any form of tertiary education. Fisantekraal is a semi-rural informal settlement with very poor infrastructure as well as a severe lack of resources and access to government or supportive services. Many of the households live at the national upper poverty line of ZAR 992 and lack essentials such as clothing, shoes, food, homeware, electrical appliances, toiletries and other basic necessities. The Online School Program commenced in 2022 when we recognised that we had a major social issue with a lack of schooling infrastructure in the Fisantekraal area. We progressively learned through the years of working with the youth and adults in this community that we needed an alternative to the current mainstream schooling that was not equipped to handle the number of children affected with trauma in the schools. From 2019 onwards, we had noticed a significant rise in bullying, behavioural problems and drop outs. Our research and work on the ground informed us that we needed to create an online school platform that would provide a reliable, safe space for the vulnerable learners. As an initial response we turned our office into an online school facility. We brought on partnerships with, DG and MorClick, who enabled us to provide 20 learners with Laptops and internet access. We believe that everyone should have access to quality education, but not just an education, a holistic system that works for them. Poverty or lack of infrastructure should not be allowed to prevent our youth and adults from achieving their educational goals. Our partner Think Digital Academy prides itself in providing world-class online learning to students all over the world. We present our curriculum in an interactive, engaging and effective way for virtual school students. The online program also caters for learners who are affected by social circumstances to prevent them from completing their educational program. We enable pregnant teenage girls to continue their schooling when they are not comfortable going to the mainstream school. A few of them completed their schooling year, gave birth to their babies and returned back to the Fisantekraal High School. We also help young boys who are severely bullied at the mainstream school to enrol in the online school and they are integrated back to the various schools once their circumstances have changed. Our literacy program addresses the issue of a very low level of reading which is well below the grade average. The literacy program offers our learners the opportunity to use our resources to learn the basics of literature in a non-judgemental environment. Our Bursary program assists the matriculants on our programs to fund the studies of their requested field. We have 3 students currently pursuing their studies, one of which uses our facility to complete her Online One Year Diploma in Interior Design.

6 months ago
Ronald Matsheta

Name of the Entity: Inveraan Youth and Community Foundation. Locality: Inveraan, Senwabarwana, Blouberg Municipality, Ward 9, Limpopo Province. Background History: IYCF is a mix farming project comprising of crops farming enterprises. The project owns a 6ha (1ha properly fenced for start up) land acquired through the local tribal office (PTO) The intention of the project is to produce mainly vegetables. The core business is holistic approach towards community development targeting vulnerable groups of our communities that is children, youth, women and the elderly: The group is comprised of a vibrant group of patriotic, committed young people who are united by a common aim and mission of making a difference in the lives of those in our immediate environment. The group’s belief is that poverty can only be efficiently and effectively tackled through the implementation of a holistic model that includes mainly literacy, up skilling and nutrition. Soup kitchens and food parcels, when implemented in isolation, only result in a culture of apathy and dependency. This, we believe is a self-defeating cycle. The project acquired start up resources for it to kick-start its operating and thus: Borehole , drip irrigation system, Solar panels and solar pump. For the project to expand it require some major resources and thus: Solar power back up system, Green house and initial cycle production inputs including seedlings, fertilizer, and chemicals etc.

7 months ago
Julian Mouers

Founded in 2017, the SABBA Movement for Change is a dynamic force dedicated to eradicating hunger and poverty across Southern Africa. With a bold and innovative approach, we're not just talking the talk, we're walking the walk. Our flagship initiative, the Foodscaping Programme, is revolutionizing farming practices for sustainable food security. We believe in equipping communities with the skills they need to thrive. Through comprehensive Skills Development programs, we unlock the potential for income generation in every individual. But we don't stop there. Our commitment extends to supporting small businesses and services, fostering a culture of self-reliance and empowerment. At the heart of everything we do lies Community Service, where every beneficiary becomes a beacon of change, sharing knowledge and addressing local challenges. Operating with integrity, inclusivity, and a spirit of innovation and fun, SABBA is rewriting the narrative of poverty and hunger in the region. Now, let's zoom in on our latest endeavor in the Langeberg area of the Western Cape, specifically the vibrant community of Zolani. With a population of approximately 6000, most grappling with unemployment and poverty, the need is urgent, and the time for action is now. Since our arrival in November 2022, we've hit the ground running, achieving remarkable milestones alongside the resilient people of Zolani. Together, we've cultivated a thriving community garden at the local school, yielding fresh vegetables weekly to nourish young minds and bodies through the school's feeding scheme. But our impact doesn't end there. We're spreading our roots deeper by establishing over 50 home gardens, ensuring families have access to nutritious food right at their doorstep. And we're not just growing food; we're growing opportunities. Our poultry and rabbit program is poised to empower locals with sustainable income streams. Coops have been constructed, laying the foundation for a prosperous future. Additionally, we've set up two nurseries, not only for nurturing plants but also community engagement. Encouraging seed-saving practices, these nurseries will serve as hubs of growth and sustainability. From fruits to vegetables, flowers to herbs, and even mushrooms, the possibilities are endless. On the vocational front, our sewing and beading program is stitching together a brighter tomorrow. With 20 sewing machines humming with activity, we're producing reusable sanitary pads and stylish garments, providing both dignity and economic opportunities. And that's not all. The shoe-making program is gearing up to step into the market, crafting quality sandals destined for local and urban centers. With every stitch, every seed planted, and every meal served, SABBA is igniting hope and catalyzing change in Zolani and beyond. Join us in our mission to transform lives and communities, one project at a time.

7 months ago
Tom Butterwoth

The YouThrive programme, is a key component of Zoe Life’s youth development strategy, addressing the pivotal adolescent period. As part of the Zoe Life pipeline, it emphasizes safety, health, career guidance, and employability, aiming to positively shape young lives by understanding and fulfilling their needs. The successful 2023 programme has left a significant mark on participants. Throughout the programme, the learners participated in life skills lessons aimed at equipping them with information and tools for life. As a team, we have observed a particular shift with learners who faced behavioural challenges, where there have been clear improvements in conduct and attitude, with one learner sharing “the programme helped me heal and let go of how my past was affecting my academic behaviour”. Here's to another impactful year in 2024!

8 months ago
Kim Fuller

We are reaching out from New Somerset Hospital, which is the local government hospital behind the V@A Waterfront in Cape Town. We are the oldest hospital in SA, we are still a teaching hospital with many other accolades and firsts. Cape Town is a popular location for tourists and shoppers and being in such close proximity to the city, it is likely that some of your customers, staff or family make use of our outpatient or emergency facilities. As the official hospital to so many events that get hosted in Cape Town, and to such a large catchment area (all the way up the West Coast, to Vredenburg) we would like to offer the best service possible to the community. As a government hospital we are in need of assistance with our fundraising. Due to the severe government budget cuts across all hospitals and the freezing of all hospital posts, NSH staff are under immense pressure as the patients demands remain the same but the staff so few. Our community cannot afford to have less health care services available. So we want to host a few smaller fundraising projects to assist in boosting the staff morale and improve the patient care. Our ideas for the year Prizes and vouchers for our raffles A dinner/dance May 2024 A padal or pickel tennis tournament in October 2024 (in the process of finalising) Donations (clothing/furniture) to NSH We are happy to provide advertising inside the hospital in exchange. Outside sponsorship is also a possibility.

2 years ago
Bot Admin

Every year, in August, our country marks Women’s Month. We also pay tribute to the more than 20 000 women who marched to the Union Buildings on 9 August 1956 in protest against the extension of Pass Laws to women. A system meant to control women even further and take away their rights. This year's theme is : “Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights for an Equal Future”. The concept of Generation Equality is a global campaign and links South Africa to global efforts to achieve gender equality by 2030. Women’s Month is a tribute not only to the thousands of women who marched on that day in 1956, but also a month where we celebrate all the women of South Africa who are making a difference in the lives of their families and communities. Take this opportunity to see how you can contribute to making a difference through volunteering and donating to causes that support and empower women.