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2 years ago
Willem Gous

Creating jobs in South Africa through entrepreneurship. We got sponsorship for 10 jobs in Diepsloot, Johannesburg. So far it seems we will be creating 20 jobs through this sponsorship. We help unemployed people to start a business in 5 weeks or less, without any funding, that makes enough money to financially sustain themselves.

2 years ago
Duncan Luke

Sasol, in partnership with the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy (MIREME) supports the scholarship program, which aims to build skills and competencies of Mozambicans with expertise in the areas of mineral resources and energy. The 2 students at the University of Pretoria have also completed their studies, thus totaling 37. With graduation of these 2 students, Sasol has reached a total of 37 students to complete their higher education in oil and gas between 2014 and 2021. During the last quarter, Sasol together with MIREME welcomed the 10 students that graduated from Malaysia, signaling the end of the current program. It has been a successful journey for Sasol to contribute with such a number of capable technicians in such an area of high demand for the country, despite the challenges faced in the north with respect to gas operations. Sasol is already discussing with MIREME the new phase of the bursary program.

3 years ago
Duncan Luke

Investing in skills development in Sasolburg. The short supply of qualified, experienced artisans in South Africa has created a huge demand for these skills. In order for South Africa to meet and deliver the aspirational growth rate of 5% per annum by 2030 (as per the National Development Plan) the promotion of artisan skills is essential. To this end, Sasol in partnership with government and other stakeholders in Sasolburg, embarked on a number of skills development initiatives in Metsimaholo to increase the skills pool and assist in increasing the chances of employability of the youth. The Sasol Artisan Training programme in Sasolburg has reached 210 Zamdela youth since its launch in 2013. Training is done in partnership with registered artisan training entities, being the Sedibeng Artisan Skills Training Centre, MCD Training Centre, Steinmuller, Aurex Constructors (previously known as SNC-Lavalin) and Aveng Grinaker-LTA. Of the 151 learners recently trained, 84 have completed their training and 56 are still placed in experiential learning programmes at Sasol, companies in the Vaal Triangle, Metsimaholo Local Municipality and the Free State Department of Health. Eight learners pursued other qualifications. Sasol’s decision to be a key role player in the programme was further informed by a needs analysis done in the Metsimaholo local municipality which indicated the need for the following skills: electrical, boiler-making, fitting and turning, mechanical fitting, motor mechanics, rigging, plumbing, welding and instrumentation. The most recent development in the programme is the completion of a newly constructed welding school at Boitjhorisong Resource Centre in partnership with Aurex Constructors and Afrox. The centre offers a modular approach where participants are afforded the opportunity to expand their welding skills. The centre was further retrofitted to be able to offer level 2 Argon (TIG) welding as a training module. Of the first cohort of 12 who completed the structural welding module, three were accepted by Afrox on their advanced welding programme and four will continue with the TIG module at the centre. Two thousand applications were received for the 2021 cohort of which ten have been selected. The programme provides opportunities for the youth to pursue their goals and at the same time contributes to the increase of much needed skilled labour in the region. Sasolburg is committed to empowering the communities within which we operate through initiatives such as the Sasol Artisan Training programme. At Actom Turbo Machines in Vaalpark, learners gain experience on equipment such as turbines, compressors and high-speed rotating equipment.

3 years ago
Duncan Luke

Sasol helps rebuild Mozambican school amid cyclone Idai aftermath. In March 2019, a category 4 cyclone hit the Mozambican city of Beira and its surrounding districts, affecting more than one million people. The city was reduced to dust by almost 90%. Social services were severely impacted while private businesses, homes and government infrastructures were all brought down. Sasol joined hands with the Republic of Mozambique Pipeline Company and Central Termica de Ressano Garcia Gas to immediately contribute to the reduction of the negative effects of this disaster in Sofala and northern Inhambane. Together, a total of US$650 000 was provided for projects implemented in partnership with Red Cross Mozambique. After almost two years, the Red Cross has completed the rehabilitation of all infrastructures in both Beira and Inhambane. Three health centres were rehabilitated in Beira and handed over to the government in a formal inauguration attended by local administrators. Recently, the Red Cross also completed the last of the two primary schools that required repair and rehabilitation in northern Inhambane. Chitsecane primary school, with a total of 209 students who were split up into two shifts, studied in very precarious conditions for almost two years as five classrooms and an admin block were destroyed in the storm. It is a new dawn for both teachers and students. A formal inauguration is being prepared by the school and the community. Celestina Nhiquetuane Munguambe, the school headmaster, expressed her delight at the rehabilitation of the school.

3 years ago
Duncan Luke

Enviro-Waste Programme. In collaboration with SA Health and Mpumalanga Provincial Government, Sasol has implemented a waste management programme that includes rehabilitating the land, educating the community about waste management – especially the recycling of waste and creating communal food gardens. Environmental awareness and education drive is continuing in eMbalenhle, this campaign is aimed at getting community involvement in finding solutions and to take full responsibility of their own environment; 130 Job opportunities were created, 1 036 learners educated, and five NPO/NGOs in eMbalenhle underwent waste recycling education and awareness programmes. The initiative has resulted in more than 100 000 tons of waste recycled by the community. Through this project more than 16 illegal dumping sites have been converted into sustainable community food gardens. 40 households in the community were selected to benefit from household food gardens. These household were trained and mentored to start their own sustainable food gardens.