
By Duncan Luke
Quality Education
SEPI Mozambique
Sasol, in partnership with the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy (MIREME) supports the scholarship program, which aims to build skills and competencies of Mozambicans with expertise in the areas of mineral resources and energy. The 2 students at the University of Pretoria have also completed their studies, thus totaling 37. With graduation of these 2 students, Sasol has reached a total of 37 students to complete their higher education in oil and gas between 2014 and 2021. During the last quarter, Sasol together with MIREME welcomed the 10 students that graduated from Malaysia, signaling the end of the current program. It has been a successful journey for Sasol to contribute with such a number of capable technicians in such an area of high demand for the country, despite the challenges faced in the north with respect to gas operations. Sasol is already discussing with MIREME the new phase of the bursary program.