
By Patrick Andries
Quality Education
South Africa
Fisantekraal, where our flagship site is located, is an impoverished community in the Western Cape housing approximately 40 000 people in a densely populated area. According to the last output by Stats SA, Fisantekraal has a 60% unemployment rate, with many people surviving off government grants, specifically child grants. Fisantekraal also lacks access to education for many of the children living in the area; there are hundreds, if not thousands of children not attending school. The four local schools (two of whom are container schools), are struggling with high dropout rates due to gangsterism, teen pregnancy and apathy of parents towards education; they report that more than 20% of students drop out, which compounds the issue of poverty and perpetuates this vicious cycle into the next generation. Of those who are attending school, only 8.8% complete primary school, 18% go on to pass matric, and only 1.1% of children go on to any form of tertiary education. Fisantekraal is a semi-rural informal settlement with very poor infrastructure as well as a severe lack of resources and access to government or supportive services. Many of the households live at the national upper poverty line of ZAR 992 and lack essentials such as clothing, shoes, food, homeware, electrical appliances, toiletries and other basic necessities. The Online School Program commenced in 2022 when we recognised that we had a major social issue with a lack of schooling infrastructure in the Fisantekraal area. We progressively learned through the years of working with the youth and adults in this community that we needed an alternative to the current mainstream schooling that was not equipped to handle the number of children affected with trauma in the schools. From 2019 onwards, we had noticed a significant rise in bullying, behavioural problems and drop outs. Our research and work on the ground informed us that we needed to create an online school platform that would provide a reliable, safe space for the vulnerable learners. As an initial response we turned our office into an online school facility. We brought on partnerships with, DG and MorClick, who enabled us to provide 20 learners with Laptops and internet access. We believe that everyone should have access to quality education, but not just an education, a holistic system that works for them. Poverty or lack of infrastructure should not be allowed to prevent our youth and adults from achieving their educational goals. Our partner Think Digital Academy prides itself in providing world-class online learning to students all over the world. We present our curriculum in an interactive, engaging and effective way for virtual school students. The online program also caters for learners who are affected by social circumstances to prevent them from completing their educational program. We enable pregnant teenage girls to continue their schooling when they are not comfortable going to the mainstream school. A few of them completed their schooling year, gave birth to their babies and returned back to the Fisantekraal High School. We also help young boys who are severely bullied at the mainstream school to enrol in the online school and they are integrated back to the various schools once their circumstances have changed. Our literacy program addresses the issue of a very low level of reading which is well below the grade average. The literacy program offers our learners the opportunity to use our resources to learn the basics of literature in a non-judgemental environment. Our Bursary program assists the matriculants on our programs to fund the studies of their requested field. We have 3 students currently pursuing their studies, one of which uses our facility to complete her Online One Year Diploma in Interior Design.