
By Julian Mouers
Community Health and Service Infrastructure
South Africa
Sasol Foundation Trust
Founded in 2017, the SABBA Movement for Change is a dynamic force dedicated to eradicating hunger and poverty across Southern Africa. With a bold and innovative approach, we're not just talking the talk, we're walking the walk. Our flagship initiative, the Foodscaping Programme, is revolutionizing farming practices for sustainable food security. We believe in equipping communities with the skills they need to thrive. Through comprehensive Skills Development programs, we unlock the potential for income generation in every individual. But we don't stop there. Our commitment extends to supporting small businesses and services, fostering a culture of self-reliance and empowerment. At the heart of everything we do lies Community Service, where every beneficiary becomes a beacon of change, sharing knowledge and addressing local challenges. Operating with integrity, inclusivity, and a spirit of innovation and fun, SABBA is rewriting the narrative of poverty and hunger in the region. Now, let's zoom in on our latest endeavor in the Langeberg area of the Western Cape, specifically the vibrant community of Zolani. With a population of approximately 6000, most grappling with unemployment and poverty, the need is urgent, and the time for action is now. Since our arrival in November 2022, we've hit the ground running, achieving remarkable milestones alongside the resilient people of Zolani. Together, we've cultivated a thriving community garden at the local school, yielding fresh vegetables weekly to nourish young minds and bodies through the school's feeding scheme. But our impact doesn't end there. We're spreading our roots deeper by establishing over 50 home gardens, ensuring families have access to nutritious food right at their doorstep. And we're not just growing food; we're growing opportunities. Our poultry and rabbit program is poised to empower locals with sustainable income streams. Coops have been constructed, laying the foundation for a prosperous future. Additionally, we've set up two nurseries, not only for nurturing plants but also community engagement. Encouraging seed-saving practices, these nurseries will serve as hubs of growth and sustainability. From fruits to vegetables, flowers to herbs, and even mushrooms, the possibilities are endless. On the vocational front, our sewing and beading program is stitching together a brighter tomorrow. With 20 sewing machines humming with activity, we're producing reusable sanitary pads and stylish garments, providing both dignity and economic opportunities. And that's not all. The shoe-making program is gearing up to step into the market, crafting quality sandals destined for local and urban centers. With every stitch, every seed planted, and every meal served, SABBA is igniting hope and catalyzing change in Zolani and beyond. Join us in our mission to transform lives and communities, one project at a time.